Day 7: Postcard from Yesterday


A post restante prompt from NaPoWriMo

Photo by Becky Phan on Unsplash

Wanderer’s Wish

W andering took me to
I slands as stepping stones
S hort hops led to longer
H auls across oceans

Y esterday slipped
O ver the horizon
U nobserved

W hile distance unravelled,
E very memory tethered securely
R esisted the unshackling
E ven astride hemispheres

H ow was I to know age weathers
E ach passing year erodes a little
R emembrance, a little history,
E choes fading from mind.

© C. Joyce-Jameson 2024



C. Joyce-Jameson
C. Joyce-Jameson

Written by C. Joyce-Jameson

Neurodivergent Irish poet, grateful to live and write on unceded, ancestral lands of the Coast Salish peoples.

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