Day 4: Stranger Things
A puzzling prompt from NaPoWriMo
Puzzling Platypus or A Loving Ode to Platypodes
The broad billed, flat tailed platypus, with fur bizarrely luminous
creature of such eccentricity that she hunts with electricity
Unlike the male so venomous, she’s the nurturing platypus
despite the chillness of her blood she’s quite adept at motherhood
From river bed to river bank with tail as broad as boarding plank
she ploughs a wide-waked furrow to her short-dug nesting burrow
Lays leathery eggs reptilian far from predators crocodilian
with little sign of struggles she births her baby muggles
She hunts by night and duller day, harvests a wealth of water prey,
a shrimp and larvae motherlode to treat her baby platypodes
Dear duck-billed puzzling platypus, so at home in waters fluminous
though some denied your existence, now we marvel at your persistence!
© 2024 C. Joyce-Jameson